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GMS Lock — MX-10

Restricted Keyway

All MX keyways are of proprietary design and only MX key blanks will work with these cylinders. MX key blanks are only available through authorized dealers who will ensure keys are not issued without authorization.

Keys to any MX system will only be issued with proper authorization. Owners of the system will have the peace of mind knowing all issuance of MX keys are recorded and the records are safely kept by the dealer.

Compare to other key control systems, you may save over 50% with MX cylinders! Why pay for features you don’t need?

Every MX cylinder is equipped with anti-picking driver pins and the profiles of MX proprietary keyways are specifically designed to restrict the access of common picking tools.

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GMS MX10 Rim Cylinder
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Restricted Keys:

A restricted key blank is a keyway and blank for which a manufacturer has set up a restricted level of sales and distribution. Restricted keys are often protected by patent, which prohibits other manufacturers from making unauthorized productions of the key blank. With a restricted security key, further copies can only be duplicated by the locksmith who issued the keys.

Secure records are kept when the restricted key system is set up, as to secure how many number-stamped keys were issued. A signature record form is kept with these records and only these approved signatories can ever request more keys. These days, many restricted keys have special in-laid features, such as magnets, different types of metal or even small computer chips to prevent duplication.

Finish: Satin Chrome

Cylinder: Sold less key blanks

Anti-picking mushroom pins

Schlage pinning specifications

Proprietary keyway


Available Products:

• Mortise Cylinders

• Rim Cylinder

• Knob/Lever/Deadbolt Cylinder